
Come join us


We're located just south of downtown


600 W Garfield Dr.
Longview Texas 75602

Service Time

Fellowship: 9:30 am
Service: 10 am



All are welcome!

Church can be an intimidating place to visit — especially if you don’t know what to expect. We invite you to experience what the gospel means both intellectually and relationally at one of our Sunday worship services. You can engage with others as much as you want, or remain anonymous if you prefer. We hope that through visiting with us, you will experience the hope, love and joy that comes from a community of people who love Jesus.


We have childcare during a portion of our worship service for infants through preschool. We encourage our school age children to attend worship and participate in all aspects of the liturgy with their parents or caregivers.

What to expect

Christianity doesn’t just provide us with a list of things to believe or a set of rules to follow; it generates practices, a way of life together. What we claim to believe about God, ourselves, and our world entail a way of living together. Each Sunday we practice (in the double sense of that word) this way of life in our liturgy, with the hope that our corporate worship not only glorifies God and coheres with our profession, but that it also forms us to be the people God that calls us to be. In other words, we hope our worship spills out into our everyday life, in the same way that you hope that what you practice, the habits and skills you developed through conditioning, drills, or scales will spill out onto the pitch, or the court, or the keyboard.

And so we practice the practices that are generated from the revelation of God–Father, Son, and Holy Spirit: we start the morning with a prayer of invocation to say, “Lord, help us to be what You have called us to be”; we hear His call on our lives; we praise Him for who He is, and thank Him for the gift of life and fellowship; we acknowledge our sins, and are reminded of forgiveness that comes through Jesus Christ; we give focused attention to His word so that we can know His will and walk in His ways; we offer ourselves–our time, talents, and treasures–to Him to use for His purposes; we pray for one another; we bear witness to the truth through songs and professions of faith; and we bless and receive a blessing–a commission to be the people we are called to be, by God’s grace.

We do this because it is a fitting response to God’s grace–it is a way to show our worship to God. But we also do it because it shapes us to be the people we want to be–a people who call upon God; a people who can discern God’s call on their lives; a people who are filled with gratitude and praise; a people who admit when they are wrong; a people who do not pretend; a people who receive God’s pardon and grace; a people who bear witness to this grace in our words and deeds; a people who are diligent to study God’s word; a people who recognize that all that they are is an offering to God; a people that receive God’s blessing in order to bless others. With that said, we invite you to come join us. Together, let’s practice our faith in God Almighty, Father, Son, and Spirit!